A Holy Refining


If God is so powerful and good, why doesn't He stop this virus?!

I have seen this asked many times, in different ways - and I'll bet you might have thought the same thing. Maybe even if you're a believer.

God is always good. And yes, He does allow painful and hard things to happen to us, but it's ALWAYS for refining, always to bring glory and honor to Him because He deserves it, always because He loves us - even those who don't love Him - and always to make us more like His son, Jesus Christ.

God wants every single part of us, and He'll use this virus to accomplish that. Think about it: what have you been FORCED to stop doing? Sports? Work? Unholy habits? Mothers who don't normally teach their kids are now forced to be with them all day every day. Fathers who were working 60 hours a week and maybe stopping off at the bar after work are now forced to be home with their wife and kids.

So what does that have to do with God? He's refining you. He's refining all of us that need refining and news flash, we ALL need refining. Why is this a good thing? Because it makes us more like Christ.

Being busy is an idol. And many of us - even believers - have put our doing doing doing over our relationship with others and with Christ. Maybe your life doesn't seem less busy, but I bet if you took a deep breath, and closed your eyes for 15 minutes in silence (even if you have to go out to your car!), you'll realize life has now been made simpler.

See, having a relationship with Christ is not, nor has ever been, declared easy. But it IS simple. And it's completely necessary. Allow God to refine you. Growing pains hurt. You're going to find things out about your spouse and your kids you never knew. You're going to reveal parts of yourself you thought you could hide forever.

REFINING. Let it happen friends. The more you fight the harder and more painful it'll be. Let God bless you now with His Holy refining fire!
