God says I'm Chosen

What does it mean to be chosen by God?

To answer this question we're gonna do some word study real quick, have a little chat about it, and conclude with a promise and hope. How's that sound, sweet one?

Cool! Let's do this!

According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, here are the definitions of chosen, which to my delight correspond with both the Hebrew and Greek definitions. 

noun: one who is the object of choice or of divine favor: an elect person
adjective: ELECT; selected or marked for favor or special privilege

As I was researching what Chosen meant according to the Hebrew text and language, I think my personal favorite English word that describes 'chosen' is 'choicest'. Yes, apparently it's a word! HA! It made me giggle. 😄

Other primitive root definitions are: elect, appointed, excellent, pure, clean, polished, and purified.

The Greek defining words are fewer and pretty simple. Chosen translates to 'elect', or 'election', as in an elected person or group of people. 

I also found a definition that reads: to choose for one's self with kindness, favor, or love. How sweet. ♥ This reminded me of God's love for you and I, His kiddos, whom He has chosen. 

Want to do a deeper dive into the word Chosen? Click here.

Knowing that our God is the creator of the Universe is such a BIG idea - hard to wrap our brains around sometimes. Knowing that He not only created the universe but also me, and you, as individual people can leave us feeling, well, unspecial. If He created er'body, then what the heck makes me so special?

God knit you in your mother's womb. You've been created by God, for God with perfect kindness, favor, and love. You are His choicest. 

WARNING: the following statement is controversial and goes super duper against many Believers' theology, and I'm 'bout to flip a table...
I believe that everyone He creates is "chosen". 

Hear me out! Why would Yahweh create them if they weren't? He's a (The) supreme and loving God whose timing is always perfect, and everything He does is for good, right? Okay, so why waste time and goodness CREATING people to hate Him, and go to Hell? And then what's the point of free will? ...oh so many questions to ponder...

Not everyone will repent and choose Him. Not everyone will accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Not everyone will make it into the Kingdom of Heaven - but I believe they were created to. Part of our job, as Soldiers for the Kingdom of the Lord is to share the message of the gospel (the Good News!) and give the people we love the opportunity to choose Jesus. 

He knows who'll choose Him and who won't - yet He's such a loving and gracious Father, that He gives each of us the opportunity to repent and to choose Him daily. That's pretty amazing, IMO.

I made a video about predestination - watch it here.

God Says You're Chosen video - watch it here.

Check out the entire Who I Am Collection here.

Beautiful one, if you struggle to remember that you are indeed chosen today, tomorrow, and every day hereafter, I created a few goodies just for you. 

'I Am' Chosen 31-DAY SOAP STUDY:





Visit the His Chosen Co Gifts Etsy Shop for more jewelry and accessories!


  1. Another great read about being Chosen by God
  2. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/chosen
  3. https://www.blueletterbible.org/search/search.cfm?Criteria=chosen&t=CSB#s=s_lexiconc
  4. Ephesians study by Daily Grace Co* called 'Chosen
  5. Love God Greatly's SOAP study - In Jesus You Are: your identity in Christ
