Is This The End of Days?


Well, the Truth is that we don't actually know. We're not supposed to know - then why would God be God? Even Jesus didn't know.

What we do know, friends, is that we are called to find and hold peace in His Word; in Jesus. We are called to serve others. We are called to not live in fear or be afraid. We are called to have FAITH.

Faith? In whom? God the Father, Jesus the Son and Savior, and in Holy Spirit. Not in yourself, not in me, not in the news, not in the president, not in your doctors - Faith? In whom? God the Father, Jesus the Son and Savior, and in Holy Spirit. Not in yourself, not in me, not in the news, not in the president, not in your doctors - JUST God.

People can speculate all they want, but I truly believe that's such a waste of time that we'll never get back, and it doesn't even matter, anyway. Why doesn't it matter? Because God doesn't work or live according to time. He's not held down by it. He's not on anyone's watch - He CREATED time!

Also, the speculation doesn't matter because we're simply to obey Him, and take up our cross (meaning we are to DIE to ourselves) DAILY. Not once or twice a week at church or bible study. Every day that we wake up we are to give ourselves fully - FULLY - to Jesus! With that in mind, . Not once or twice a week at church or bible study. Every day that we wake up we are to give ourselves fully - FULLY - to Jesus! With that in mind, does it really matter *when* the end of times is?

When the bible refers to death, it often uses the word 'sleep'. Have you ever gone under anesthesia? I haven't personally but everyone who has that I've talked to has said they don't even remember falling asleep - they just suddenly WOKE UP. I believe that's what it'll be like after our bodies die. We will simply WAKE UP and be looking at the gates of New Jerusalem, ready to give an account for our lives. Of course, this is just my personal account based on what I've read in God's word 🤷‍♀️ You'll have to read it and make up your own mind.

I wanted to dive into that because we shouldn't be fearing death right now, friends! We shouldn't be fearing the day of judgment, but instead rejoicing in God's goodness.

Don't you see? He's using this to bring us to Him! To bring us together! To put off all of our stupid meaningless idols (including sports, schooling/education, drinking out with “friends”, [ insert your idol here ]!) and focus on Him! This is where your choice lies, this is where free will comes in. CHOOSE Him! Don't choose fear - which comes from the enemy - Choose Christ. Choose His Truth, Choose His love - it's sweet and perfect and pleasing and peaceful and unconditional and forever!

If you don't know Christ, please feel free to message me, or email me. We can set up a video call or just chat on the phone. I would love to spend eternity in Heaven with you. ♥

"And everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” - John 11:26 ESV
