God Says I Am Worthy


What does it mean to be Worthy?

Right out of the gate I'm going to be transparent and let you know that I believe I'm worthy of God's love and so are you. I also believe that there's a huge lie that's been circulating in the Church for decades that we are not worthy of God's love. That's horse pucky - we're His Children. Period. Are your children not worthy of your love? 

Are we sinners? yep. Well, we are humans who commit sin. I also fall into the camp of someone who doesn't believe we need to be labeling ourselves as something we weren't created to be. Example: I used to be an alcoholic, but I'm not anymore because I don't drink alcohol. I'm sober - I don't use drugs or alcohol at all.

Do we still sin? Yes. Are we called not to sin? Also, yes. And we've been given the power and authority not to sin. 

If it makes you feel better to call yourself an unworthy sinner, go for it, but I think it's a dangerous road to walk down. I think that negative talk perpetuates self-loathing, which seeps into our souls and causes all sorts of havoc. 

Now, should we be walking around with our chests puffed out acting like we're God? *cough* Pharisees *cough* No. There's a space in between acting like God and believing we're mushy piles of worthless goo.

But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. -Romans 5:8

Answer me this: if we're not worthy of God's love, then why the heck would He give His son for us? 

Right. He wouldn't. That wouldn't make sense for Him to do if we believe Father is good and just, which He is.

What's the definition of Worthy? It means having value, that we're honorable and we have importance - I'll talk about that below. It means having merit and being a worthy vessel. 

Importance: we're not mere animals, sweet one. We are in this unique space that no other created thing is. We aren't just animals, yet we're not God. Who exactly did Jesus die for and then be resurrected for? People! God's children! Everyone! 

So, yeah, you're really freaking important to Yahweh! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

One of the Hebrew definitions was this: judgment; justice, ordinance, right, rectitude, decision, a right being made. Guess what? We're called to be these things, and live this way, and we've been given authority and power to in Jesus Christ our Savior by the power of the Holy Spirit! Hallelujah! 

The greek translation for worthy is simply sufficient. Yes! We are sufficient in Christ. 

Now, please understand, my attempt here of course is never to take any glory or honor or Kingship from Jesus. N E V E R. My mission is to help my Sisters in Christ to see deeper into our purpose here on earth, our relationship with Father, and each other. I'm learning along with you.

There's no way we can be efficient without Jesus. Our world is extremely polarized and divisive, and although it's very loud now, it's still quiet in many ways; especially in the Church. Many falsely believe you either must be a martyr to be a Christian or you have to have peace at all costs. Neither is true. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life - nobody will get to Father except through Him (Jesus). NOBODY. 

Ugh! I could on and on about this, but I'll end it here. I just want you to know that you are worthy of God's love. You're not a meanless bag of bones and fat - you're a beautiful and perfectly created child of the Most High God. Walk in that truth, without arrogance, with humility, and with gratitude. 

I'll chat more about this in my video which you can watch on my YouTube Channel or Rumble.

Check out the entire Who I Am Collection here.

Beautiful one, if you're struggling to believe that in Christ, you're worthy, I created a few goodies just for you. They'd make great gifts for someone you love who needs this reminder, too. ♥

'I am Worthy' 31-DAY SOAP STUDY:




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  1. Blue Letter Bible
  2. A Sinner's Take on Walking Worthy by Love God Greatly
  3. Worthy you are blog post
  4. Why do I feel unworthy? 
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