Anxiety Is Not a Sin

"Father, If it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. If it is Your will, let it be done." - Jesus, in the garden of Gethsemane.  

The books of Matthew and Luke account that Jesus was deeply distressed, anguished, and sorrowful - to the point of death. He felt so much anxiety within Him that there was blood in his sweat. He knew what was about to happen to Him.

There are some folks out there that believe anxiety and fear are a sin, but I disagree. I don't think that anxiety is a sin in itself; it's what we do with it that can be sinful. 

Sometimes I'm feeling anxious and don't even realize it until I snap at someone and didn't mean to because truthfully I'm even upset with that particular person. Have you ever done that?

When I finally realize that what I'm feeling is an undercurrent of anxiety I can choose to hold onto it and let it fester and grow, or I can take it to Father and ask Him to help me through it. Why am I feeling anxious? What passage of scripture can I read to help me remember to Whom I belong? What can I do about the reason I'm feeling anxious?

It becomes a sin when I choose to hang onto it, rather than do the will of Father. Jesus felt the anxiety and did the hard thing anyway. The hardest thing.

Do you know anyone who seems to enjoy being stressed out all the time? They complain about all the things they have to do or places they have to be and keep asking what they should do about all this stress and anxiety? They could say no to some or all of the things that are causing them stress, but they choose to keep doing it? 

That's called idol worship and that is a sin. They're choosing the love of stress and anxiety over God and His will for them. Usually, because it's what they know. They and stress are like ride-or-die friends, and also they get to control it... but only for a time. Then it starts to control them. 

If this is you, know you're not alone and know that you can walk away from this anxiety and stress right now by giving it to Father. Repent of choosing fear over God. Lay your situations and idol worship of anxiety at the foot of the cross.

I know you may wanna smack me right now - I get it. Here's the thing, dear one; you don't have to do this in your own strength, and you don't have to do it all at once. But if you want to it's possible through God who gives you the strength... WHO GIVES YOU THE STRENGTH. 

Did you catch that? Who gives you the strength to lay your anxiety and fear down? God does! Not you, not your pastor, not your friends, not your spouse - Just Father! He doesn't expect you or want you to move through this process by yourself. He wants you to ask for His strength, endurance, and His courage! 

Ask safe friends and family members to pray for you in this. If they're not super safe, just ask them to pray for you in general - you don't have to give details (you don't owe anyone that!) but God knows the need. You can also email me at

I made a video about this topic!

Watch it on YouTube
Watch it on Rumble





1. Jesus Sweat Blood -
