The Peacemakers Are Blessed

The peacemakers are blessed, 
for they will be called sons of God. - Matthew 5:9

Friend, there's a big difference between being a peacemaker and a peacekeeper and we're going to get into that in this post!

A peacemaker literally makes peace and seeks reconciliation in an active way, rather than a passive way, which would define a peacekeeper. 

A peacemaker understands that one cannot seek peace at all costs because that's not at all what we're called to do, especially in accordance to the world. The world has no clue what peace even looks or feels like, but it thinks it does. *eye roll*

Peacemakers have the reflection of inner peace from God - not from things they're doing or not doing. The peace comes from the Holy Spirit alone.

In order to even have peace with others, we must first seek and have peace with God. If you're angry with others a lot, it's highly likely that you are angry with God. If you have a hard time trusting anyone or you're constantly suspicious of those close to you, it may be because you don't trust God. Do you think you're better than others, know more than others, or put yourself above others? That is probably a pride issue and deep down it's possible that you think you know better than Yahweh.

Yah don't. Just wanted to clarify *wink*

Turn away from evil and do what is good; seek peace and pursue it. 
-Psalm 34:14

Our relationship to others and the way we see the world is usually directly correlated to our relationship with Father God. Good, bad, or indifferent. This is a great thing to take some time to reflect upon and journal through. It may help you to make peace with God, and with yourself. ♥

Peacemakers seek healing among the people and try to help the people to reconcile peace with God. It's outward. It's for them, not for ourselves. This is hard and uncomfortable. In love, we have to confront the people we care about so that they can possibly have a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus, Father, and Holy Spirit. It requires saying hard things and possibly losing relationships.

Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful. - John 14:27

Peacekeepers want everyone to feel comfortable and don't want to make waves. They generally will be heard saying "It's not my business so I won't get involved," even if someone is being abused or neglected. They are passive, insecure, and selfish. 

If this is you, please consider praying about this - ask God to show you your own heart. I'm okay with you being mad at me, but please do just ask God what He sees in you. My opinion doesn't matter - His does. 

The blessing of being a peacemaker is that we will be called sons of God. (side note: please don't get small and wrapped up in the word "sons" - Jesus is talking about all people and isn't being gender specific. m'kay.) Sons of God refers to something like saying you're a 'chip off the ole' block', meaning, you're like your parents, or in this case, you're like The Father. Peacemakers will be called children of Yahweh! 

Our goal is to be like Jesus. Will we ever BE Jesus? No. Just like I'll never be you and you'll never be me. But we're called to be LIKE Him, and He also said that we - the Children of the Most High God - will do greater works than He. I won't get into what that means today, but it's good - feel free to dive deeper into that!

So go into today, and tomorrow, seeking to be a peacemaker. Ask God for strength, courage, and holy audacity to do that without judging others, knowing it's probably going to be uncomfortable. 

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